Friday, March 14, 2008

Prophesy to breath:

I love the reading about the dry bones, but this year it felt like I was hearing it for the first time.

This time, the commandments to prophesy stuck out to me. I usually tend to think of prophesy as something cerebral, intellectual. We prophecy to enlighten, and to change someone's mind.
But here, we overhear God commanding Ezekiel, prophesy to the bones, and prophesy to the breath.
And Ezekiel did, saying, "Come from the four winds, O breath." And then the breath did come, and life entered the newly sinew-covered, epidermal-wrapped bones, and they stood on their feet. That must have been an awesome sight.
Prophesy to bones? Prophesy to breath? How sad that God had to show people their hard-heartedness by saying, 'Look, I can't get dead, dry bones out in the desert to listen better than you will!'
With the US at war with so many people, other countries in their own fighting, and women and children in so much pain and suffering, I think of how many bones are going out into the desert, and will one day stand before us as a witness to our own inhumanity.

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