Friday, March 14, 2008

Finding the inner blog:

So these last few days, I've found it difficult to blog as I catch up from being gone to Santa Barbara (he says dreamily).

I've also noticed how my blog, at times is it's own moment of lingering, increasingly on phrases from the lectionary texts in the Episcopal Church, but many aren't. I'm thinking to myself, "okay, you called this thing holy lingering, but you aren't really talking about that much." In part that's because you can only beat a dead horse (not condoning animal-abuse!) so much, but also, I'm not really taking much time to actually lingering these hectic days, and as I slowed down in my blog writing, I felt like I was loosing one of the places where I was intentionally lingering each day - with a text or a moment or a memory.

That's one of the things I miss about pilgrimage - walking requires you to slow down, pay a little more attention, try to be a little burp of peace in the world.

The hard part is conjuring up the muscle memory of alowing down, lingering over my experiences and thoughts, searching for the gold flakes of God's love and mercy in the river worn mountain-dust in my life-pan.

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